
Back in the water!
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After months of preparation and sweat equity from many volunteers from our Home School group, HEARTS, our church, San Ramon Presbyterian Church, youth groups from Carmichael and Santa Clarita Presbyterian churches coordinated by Praying Pelicans, Youth With a Mission (YWAM) Kona, Hawaii and our incredible team, YWAM Mazatlán, Mexico, Amazing Grace (AG) completed her dry dock at Bay Ship & Yacht in Alameda, California on August 17th, 2016 and returned to Bethel Island, CA on Saturday August 20, 2016.  We are so grateful for all your prayers and financial support that we have received.  Many of you answered our call to partner with us by raising the much needed funds to complete the required maintenance for the voyage to Mazatlán, Mexico.  We appreciate our faithful monthly donors that continue to encourage us. It’s exciting to see how far we’ve come and look forward to the next phase of our journey!
At the shipyard, an ultrasonic analysis of the hull helped us determine that the stern needed the most attention.  The shipyard welded steel plating called “doublers”, as well as several other small sections of the hull.  Bottom paint applied and new zincs installed.  The zincs help protect the steel by being the less noble metal, attracting the corrosion from the elements away from the steel, also known as sacrificial nodes. Like Jesus nailed to the cross the zincs are welled to the ship’s hull.  Appropriately, they are marked with the word “Martyr”.  Propellers polished and the fuel tanks cleaned.  One thousand gallons of fuel loaded, generously donated by Paul and Mary Hamer and Chevron.

We ask that you boldly pray for

  1. Ship preparations for voyage to go well.

  2. Donations of $7,000 for life rafts and safety gear.

  3. Availability of joyful and qualified crew to join us on this journey to Mazatlan, Mexico!

    In Christ,
    Zeus, Charlotte and Noah Ebio

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