First month anniversary

An Epic Journey
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An Epic Journey

Today, March 12, 2017, is our one month anniversary of our arrival to Mazatlán, Mexico.  The Youth With a Mission (YWAM) Mazatlán Team embraced us into their family and we feel very much loved!  As we settle into our new environment, we reflect on the wonderful support that we received from our relatives, friends and church family!  Arriving in a foreign land is a monumental accomplishment that through your efforts and financial support has made this 17 year dream a reality.  With grateful hearts, we truly thank you for your involvement!
Chatelier, Ellie Fleming, Charlotte, Noah, Jessie Fleming, First Mate Mike Fleming, Chief Engineer Gerry McGee, Capt. Ed Payne, 2nd Mate Brian Priddin

The Amazing Grace Crew

After months of searching, the crew finally assembled and preparations for the voyage to Mazatlán, Mexico completed.  Our all volunteer crew consists of Captain Ed Payne from Alameda, CA (3000 ton Masters License), graciously gave his time and energy for the passed two years to help us safely prepare the ship and navigate from San Francisco Bay to Mazatlán, Mexico.  He has captained Mercy Ship’s m/v Carribean Mercy, Marine Reach’s m/v Pacific Hope, YWAM’s m/v Pacific Link.  Gerry McGee, a retired ships Chief Engineer from Eureka, CA (unlimited ton Engineer license California Maritime Academy graduate), ensured that the engines and systems operated smoothly,  Michael Fleming (100 ton Masters License) and wife, Jessie from Newport Beach, CA, provided on board navigational knowledge of the California coast to Ensenda, Cabo San Lucas, Sea of Cortez and finally, Mazatlan.  They have spent 5 years cruising this part of the world.  Brian Priddin from Placerville, CA (recently obtained 100 ton Masters License) plotted the way points in the chartplotter and piloted the ship with confidence.  He has served in Paupa New Guinea on m/v Pacific Link and m/v YWAM PNG.  Chatelier Ebio, with over 2,300 nautical miles of blue water sailing to Micronesia, on s/v Hawaii Aloha and s/v Cloud Nine, steered the ship smoothly through rough seas.  Noah Ebio and Ellie Fleming, both 13 years old, carried watch duties as they learned to pilot the ship, navigate and chart the assigned heading as well as having several years of sailing experience.  Both of them are home schooled and live on boats.  What a coincidence?  Charlotte and I are very grateful for the experienced crew that God provided for this voyage to deliver m/v Amazing Grace to YWAM Mazatlán’s ship ministry on February 12, 2017.  Please view our warm reception video created by YWAM Mazatlan’s media team! 
She's Finally Here! Arrival of the M/V Amazing Grace - YWAM Ships Mazatlan, Mexico

Nearly 100 people were on hand to witness the arrival of the Ship. There is an incredible amount of excitement as this will be the first vessel to operate under the banner of YWAM Ships Mazatlán.

The vision of YWAM Ships Mazatlán is to engage the isolated communities on the islands and coasts of Mexico with the Gospel. This will be done by providing healthcaredistributing the Biblebuilding homes and much more. 

Praise God!

Zeus, Charlotte, Chatelier and Noah Ebio


Amazing Grace Maritime Missions
a Non-Profit Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) corporation Tax ID #47-2157488

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